Thursday, March 22, 2012


Romance seems to be so rare these days. It spurs a plethora of ponderings about the nature of human relationships, about men, about women, and what they need to be at peace, full of joy and love, and feel special. We can go about being who we are and doing what we love to do daily, but once romance is experienced with a mutual attraction, all the rest seems so insignificant in comparison.

Good thing songwriting is so therapeutic and such a good way to share joys, and vent frustration, and saves a lot of money on counseling!

I'm excited to be hired by a gentleman to sing and play a few of he and his girlfriend's favorite love songs in a very romantic outdoor setting for his marriage proposal! This guy's got it going on, and his girlfriend (soon-to-be-fiance and wife, for surely she'll say, "YES!" with that kind of a proposal) is smart to have and keep him. And he'll be smart to continue to keep romancing her after the engagement and wedding!

Keep romancing all people you love, make them feel special. You might be the only one that gives them the love they need, even if it's a 3-breath hug from a friend.

Share the Love.

In Health & Harmony, Stephie Rae

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zen and the Art of Hugging!

Zen and the Art of Hugging!

I LOVE HUGS! One job I had at a Chiropractic office included greeting everyone with a hug before they went in the adjusting room! Rough life! Then another Chiropractor I worked with thought hugs were unprofessional! I prefer hugs to handshakes. People who don't like hugs because it invades their personal space, sadly, are the ones who need it the most.

One healer friend recommended to always hug through a minimum of 3 long slow breaths, how nice. I'm still working on left arm up over their right rather than right over left to get heart to heart as a natural habit. I'm told I'm a great hugger, and I can verify it because I enjoy them as much as they do, and they often come back for more! Or maybe it's because, as one friend said, I lead with my best assets. LOL!

Hugs are a win-win, which is always nice. While hugging, lots of endorphins kick in which are the body's natural "feel good" chemical, gives you that natural high, reduces stress and increases your immune system, which is your body's natural ability to be healthy.

By the way,music, laughter does the same thing, and so does exercise, but they're not as mutually satisfying, in my humble opinion, unless you're doing them together. Let's see, hugging, laughing, exercising and making music together, sounds like dancing to me ... if you're vertical!

Happy Hugging!

Doc Stephie Rae

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New You!

You know most of us set a goal to lose weight, or start exercising, or get in shape with the new year. Our intentions are good and sometimes we succeed, keep in shape, or not. What's interesting, while I've been living on the lake is, I am back to nature and more at peace. Being on the water, I burn more calories keeping my balance and swimming all summer long. So as you can imagine I started to tone up just hanging out in the water and doing laps!

With my move to the lake, I also started a new practice at another Chiropractor's office in Oakwood who specializes in Nutrition Response Testing (NRT), a system I was already using to get healthier through specific testing and whole food supplements. I also had a series of NAET (Nambutripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) to help with my sensitivities that were completely making me ill to my stomach 3-4 days/week and constantly needing adjusting.

It's a wonderful balance of holistic healthcare that has helped me through a purification program and detox, weight loss and more importantly, being healthier. My gut issues have subsided completely, I hold my adjustments better, lost over 30 pounds so far, and learned how to keep it off and take more off when I want to! It is so easy and fun, because I function better, feel better, look better! I can't believe I know so much health stuff and didn't know I didn't know all this true health stuff! I am so glad I found this great combination of holistic health and exercise doing what I love.

I've also been playing lots of music and getting proposed to now and then, so cute! People are so sweet. At least they know I'm a free spirit and love everyone, no strings attached, no expectations, just spreading the love, which was hard to do after the stalker harassed me into hiding last year. I forgive him, he doesn't know that it backfired and I am happier and better than ever now because of the experience.

I would love nothing more than for my story to inspire You to come out of your shell and do the same. I pray the new me leads to a new you in 2012!

Hugs in Health & Harmony, Stephie Rae