Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zen and the Art of Hugging!

Zen and the Art of Hugging!

I LOVE HUGS! One job I had at a Chiropractic office included greeting everyone with a hug before they went in the adjusting room! Rough life! Then another Chiropractor I worked with thought hugs were unprofessional! I prefer hugs to handshakes. People who don't like hugs because it invades their personal space, sadly, are the ones who need it the most.

One healer friend recommended to always hug through a minimum of 3 long slow breaths, how nice. I'm still working on left arm up over their right rather than right over left to get heart to heart as a natural habit. I'm told I'm a great hugger, and I can verify it because I enjoy them as much as they do, and they often come back for more! Or maybe it's because, as one friend said, I lead with my best assets. LOL!

Hugs are a win-win, which is always nice. While hugging, lots of endorphins kick in which are the body's natural "feel good" chemical, gives you that natural high, reduces stress and increases your immune system, which is your body's natural ability to be healthy.

By the way,music, laughter does the same thing, and so does exercise, but they're not as mutually satisfying, in my humble opinion, unless you're doing them together. Let's see, hugging, laughing, exercising and making music together, sounds like dancing to me ... if you're vertical!

Happy Hugging!

Doc Stephie Rae