Saturday, November 30, 2013

Drink Up Today!

Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!

Drink Up Today!

Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's A Beautiful Thing!

We're passionate about chiropractic! Because we get instant gratification helping people improve their quality of life as it has our own.

It's A Beautiful Thing!

We're passionate about chiropractic!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Power? Check the Circuit Breakers!

The human body's equivalent of a circuit breaker is the spine and it's nerves. Getting adjustments by your Chiropractor regularly Turns your Power On and keeps it on! Each area of the spine controls specific areas of our body so we function the way we are designed, Vibrant and Healthy! Shine On!

No Power? Check the Circuit Breakers!

"The human body's equivalent of a circuit breaker is the spine and it's nerves." - an excerpt from the bestselling holistic health book Whole Health Healing .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Connect All the Pieces with Chiropractic

Chiropractors put all the pieces together making your body function at an optimal level.

Connect All the Pieces with Chiropractic

Your body is formed by collection of pieces. When these pieces do not correlate with one another the body falters. Your brain, spine, tissue connection is the most imperative of all. Connect these pieces correctly so that your messages, thoughts, intuitions, and actions can be expressed to the best of your ability. Chiropractors put all the pieces together making your body function at an optimal level.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Artificial Sweetener helps you forget why you thought you need it, so you don't investigate why it makes you ill.


Sucralose:  the ingredient found in the artificial sweetener Splenda.  Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.  Sucralose also damages the hippocampus in our brains which is responsible for storing memories.  Surcalose is found in most diet, sugar free or lite products.  It is found in foods people assume to be health foods like lite yogurts and protein shakes.  Sucralose is also found in a variety of non food products including cough medicine, toothpaste and most chewing gum.