Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Ergonomic Tip

Here's an ergo tip for Santa and all his helpers - lift with your legs, and make more than one trip if needed. Save Your Back, it houses and protects your spinal cord, the superhighway of communication between your brain and body that controls and coordinates every function, and it cannot be replaced!

Christmas Ergonomic Tip

Here's an ergo tip for Santa and all his helpers - lift with your legs, and make more than one trip if needed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What is A Chiropractor?

Doctors of Chiropractic maximize the body's ability to function properly by clearing nervous system interference in the spine, the super highway of communication between the brain and body. Calling it "Chiropractic medicine" is a misnomer, Chiropractic and medicine are mutually exclusive. Medicine has nothing to do with how we were built to function and develop and be naturally healthy. In 1902, Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." That's what Chiropractors have been doing successfully with great results since 1895! Jus' sayin'...

What is A Chiropractor?

The Yale Undergraduate Studies catalog has entered a brief but wonderful description of Chiropractic.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

So Many Falls!

Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause spinal misalignment. Spinal misalignments with nerve pressure are called Subluxations. Subluxations lead to malfunction, which leads to dis-ease, which leads to symptoms, which lead to premature death, when left uncorrected, Only Chiropractors correct subluxations! Getting babies adjusted early prevents a lifetime of maladies caused by subluxations. Find a Chiropractor near you who specializes in Pediatrics and Pregnancy care.

So Many Falls!

Kids are rough and tumble! Chiropractic care is vital during childhood. Childhood Milestones: When baby begins to crawl, the natural curve of the neck is developed. The curve of the low back is developed as the child begins to sit, stand, and walk. Spinal checks at these 4 milestones will determine that these important curves are developing correctly. Correcting subluxations will develop better spinal curves, improving posture throughout the growth process. Falls: Falls are an inevitable part of the above mentioned milestones. In addition, the natural playful and active manner of children leads to falls from bicycles, skateboards, swings, see saws, monkey bars and the like. Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause...Read More

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Drink Up Today!

Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!

Drink Up Today!

Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's A Beautiful Thing!

We're passionate about chiropractic! Because we get instant gratification helping people improve their quality of life as it has our own.

It's A Beautiful Thing!

We're passionate about chiropractic!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Power? Check the Circuit Breakers!

The human body's equivalent of a circuit breaker is the spine and it's nerves. Getting adjustments by your Chiropractor regularly Turns your Power On and keeps it on! Each area of the spine controls specific areas of our body so we function the way we are designed, Vibrant and Healthy! Shine On!

No Power? Check the Circuit Breakers!

"The human body's equivalent of a circuit breaker is the spine and it's nerves." - an excerpt from the bestselling holistic health book Whole Health Healing .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Connect All the Pieces with Chiropractic

Chiropractors put all the pieces together making your body function at an optimal level.

Connect All the Pieces with Chiropractic

Your body is formed by collection of pieces. When these pieces do not correlate with one another the body falters. Your brain, spine, tissue connection is the most imperative of all. Connect these pieces correctly so that your messages, thoughts, intuitions, and actions can be expressed to the best of your ability. Chiropractors put all the pieces together making your body function at an optimal level.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Artificial Sweetener helps you forget why you thought you need it, so you don't investigate why it makes you ill.


Sucralose:  the ingredient found in the artificial sweetener Splenda.  Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.  Sucralose also damages the hippocampus in our brains which is responsible for storing memories.  Surcalose is found in most diet, sugar free or lite products.  It is found in foods people assume to be health foods like lite yogurts and protein shakes.  Sucralose is also found in a variety of non food products including cough medicine, toothpaste and most chewing gum.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Chiropractor says: let them crawl!

Research shows that the position & movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, & neurological health, including both physical and mental coordination.

Chiropractor says: let them crawl!

Crawling is an important developmental activity for infants. Research shows that the position and movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, and neurological health. Safeguard the house, keep an eye on the infant at all times, and watch them zoom!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Is Your Child's Backpack Making The Grade?

Make sure that books and supplies weigh no more than 10-15% of their body weight and that the straps are over both shoulders.

Is Your Child's Backpack Making The Grade?

Is your child carrying too much weight in their backpack? Please check to make sure that books and supplies weigh no more than 10-15% of their body weight and that the straps are over both shoulders.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Correct Subluxations With Chiropractic

The Central Nervous System, brain and spinal cord, control and coordinate every function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of our bodies. Due to various stressors, when the spinal cord, the super highway between the brain and body, becomes blocked by subluxations, misalignments of the spinal column or vertebrae, the communication is interrupted. When the brain and body can't communicate with each other, malfunction occurs. Just like at our work, home or social life, if we can't communicate, things fall apart. Malfunctions can eventually lead to signs and sypmtoms, such as dis-ease, illness, injuries, brain fog, and premature death, depending on the areas affected by subluxations. Chiropractors adjust subluxations to unblock the nervous system so it can do it's job, control and coordinate every function at it's best, as we were designed. Chiropractors are angels sent from God to help us enjoy better quality of life. Woohoo! I'm jus sayin...

Correct Subluxations With Chiropractic

A vertebral subluxation refers to a spinal bone that has become misaligned. Pressure applied to nerves because of a subluxation can affect the proper function of all the organs in your body, and can lead to pain, weakness, and numbness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Grow Healthy Kids

So True! That's why I got certified in Pediatrics! To help them create a lifetime of health.

Grow Healthy Kids

Keep your child subluxation free with chiropractic!

Monday, October 21, 2013

How Chiropractic Helps Moms

Watch to see how chiropractic can help with labor and delivery.

How Chiropractic Helps Moms

See how adjustments help to keep your pelvis moving well when you're in labor and why you can you have a faster labor because of chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Please Don't Try This At Home

We're going to file this post under "future patient." ​

Please Don't Try This At Home

We're going to file this post under "future patient."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Take That Extra Step

Each day, take an extra, little step towards wellness.

Take That Extra Step

Each day, take an extra, little step towards wellness.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Restore Healing With Chiropractic

Chiropractic restores normal function and allows your body to heal itself.

Restore Healing With Chiropractic

Chiropractic restores normal function and allows your body to heal itself.