Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Correct Subluxations With Chiropractic

The Central Nervous System, brain and spinal cord, control and coordinate every function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of our bodies. Due to various stressors, when the spinal cord, the super highway between the brain and body, becomes blocked by subluxations, misalignments of the spinal column or vertebrae, the communication is interrupted. When the brain and body can't communicate with each other, malfunction occurs. Just like at our work, home or social life, if we can't communicate, things fall apart. Malfunctions can eventually lead to signs and sypmtoms, such as dis-ease, illness, injuries, brain fog, and premature death, depending on the areas affected by subluxations. Chiropractors adjust subluxations to unblock the nervous system so it can do it's job, control and coordinate every function at it's best, as we were designed. Chiropractors are angels sent from God to help us enjoy better quality of life. Woohoo! I'm jus sayin...

Correct Subluxations With Chiropractic

A vertebral subluxation refers to a spinal bone that has become misaligned. Pressure applied to nerves because of a subluxation can affect the proper function of all the organs in your body, and can lead to pain, weakness, and numbness.

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